Freelancers usually have Skrill and Paypal and most important thing is according to Reserve Bank Of India Guidelines you have to provide an OTP(One Time Password) for making purchases. So Mostly 95% Banks debit cards are not accepted by Paypal or Skrill.
While ICICI Debit card is 100% Acceptable with Paypal & Skrill. Also for international transaction(PoS)
Now for the Credit Card part, Previously you cant have credit card without Payslip, ITR Of 1 Year and Minimum 4.5 Lacks annual income.
Thats rough and hard thing, Seems like impossible for successful Freelancers . . .
Now you can have Credit Card from ICICI bank against FD(Fixed Deposit)
Minimum amount of FD is 25000 or 20000 Depends in what city you live.
So its a big step and you can do shopping with credit card upto 80% of your FD
Nice? You can max your FD by putting 2-3 Lacks and you can use 80% of it.
Which is enough to pay online KFC or Fuel Recharging n all.
I Love this thing about ICICI