The credit card is good as long as things go right. Once u are misguided by their own staff over phone u land up in trouble and there is noone repeat No-one to hear you. Whether u put it over their website or contact over phone. Their billing system is also faulty. Never trust their customer service agents. They know nothing about their products. every time u land up with new names and ofcourse different answers.I give below my experience.
The card was changed once by them. Later when the due payment for both the cards was paid by one cheque(as suggested by their customer officer over phone) writing both the numbers on reverse of cheque the amount was creidted to one card only and the other was shown as pending. This they could not correct inspite of many reminders over phone. over website and even afetr cancelling the card. the statement keeps coming with late fees every month. I have already written with details that all payments are made in time still noone solved it. THE BIGGEST PART ON THE PART OF ICICI IS THAT THEY WILL NEVER READ THE LETTER AND GIVE A STANDARD REPLY.