HI all,
yup - iam enjoying this card ( life time free gold card ) excellent- you can link your creditcard to your saving account ( if you have with icici) from there site you can see all un billed transactions, statments and you can pay bill online.
if you want you can enable auto debit feature so every month bank will deduct minimum amount or full amount that you need to pay for credit card.
customer care also excellent . I prefer icici bank gold card .
- now they offering balance trnafer at only 0.77% interest. gr8!!! so you can trnafer all your other creditcards outstnadings to icici at 0.77% interest only.
suppose you have cash outstnading of 30, 000 with other creditcard with 3.0 interest then transfer it to icici at 0.77% only.
nice. I suggest icici strongly. There atm network also good. Now iam suggesting all of you to apply for life time free card no hidden fee no once time fee nothing...
becoz iam example ... iam enjoying and any one can communicate me about this icici card.