I had taken ICICI Gold card about five years ago, I was harassed very badly by ICICI bank, by not sending me statements for many months, despite my request and then levying penalty charges for late payment. After a protracted and painful correspondence, Bank resolved and closed my account about four years ago, and I had also informed them in writing then to close and cancel my ICICI credit card. This was in Middle of 2001.
Then I received a “Credit Card Statement” dated May 19 2005, for the period 23rd May 2001 to 18th May 2005, for Rs. 1653/- for a credit card no. 4477470049450001. I was billed an Annual fees of Rs. 1500/- + service tax on 18/05/2005 as per this statement.
I was unpleasantly surprised to see that ICICI Bankunilaterally decided to levy Annual Fees on 18th May 2005 for a card, which I do not possess and for which I have not applied to them. This is nothing but fraud being committed by ICICI bank. I sent them a registered letter on 1-Jun-2005. There was no response, but received next months statement with late fee charges also levied. I called their Customer Care (Or rather Non-Care) centre. They promised to cancel the statement and send me a statement by 4th July 2005. Today is 19th July, I have not heard from ICICI Bank.
This is sheer harassment and callousness on thir part.
Ajay Mohan Goel