I was holding ICIC Credit card, suddenly owing to some finacial problems, repayment could not be made in time, This has resulted in thrteatening calls and harrassment to my family members from your staff at Hyderabad, such attitude requires serious check and control from the bank, failing which the customers may commit suicides, I think matter can be best resolved in settlement court, which is not being adopted by the local staff. In many cases to earn incentives, the staff pays minimum amount from their pocket and for recovery start humiliation and mental harrassment of the customers.
I had repeatedly informed that I am an heart patient and stop harrassment but no body is there to listen. you have already collected more than what I spent. If your staff does not improve their attitude, we may be compeeled to approach Court for protection. They streightway tell that even if we are not at home, they are going to harass the ladies, is this your policy and attitude, please explain
-RCB Verma