I have a Credit Card from ICICI, I attach below mail which I have written to ICICI for which other than the auto reply I have not recd any reply.
I firmly believe in one thing now, there is no contact like direct contact & ICICI no diffrent from any other bank.
Inspite of having an account with ICICI I have opted for a home loan from STAnCHart.
A big BOO to ICICI on this
Dear Customer Support Manager,
I have not received any reply to this mail nor to the one sent from another ID for which I have got an auto reply
<AUTO>{ICICICARE#006-488-036}Credit Card no 4477 4636 7529 2003
Will somebody care to reply.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ravi Dhegaskar
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 7:49 AM
To: ICICI Bank
Subject: Credit Card no 4477 4636 7529 2003.
Importance: High
Dear Customer Care executive,
I know this mail will be read by one.
In your regular way of verification I will give my details.
Credit Card no 4477 4636 7529 2003.
Residential address, Phone no & Office address & Phone No & Date of birth I will answer when I am on the phone.
If you are able to view the telephone calls I have made you will know the reason for my writing this mail.
Let me brief you the sequence of events.
I receive a call from a Credit Card executive asking me for changing over from HPCL card to Big Bazaar Card, I decline but still receive a Big Bazaar Card No 4477 4663 2009 1001, On receipt of the card I call up on the 4th of March & request for cancellation of the card & confirm I want to continue using my HPCL Card. Somebody says the same will be done & instructs me to cut the Big Bazaar Card into 4 pieces & drop it in the nearest ATM drop box. I do the necessary.
One day I go to Food Days to purchase something & my card gets declined. I call up ICICI & somebody says that the deactivation of the card has happened by mistake & will be activated within 4 working days.
Since then whenever I have called up additional 4 days is all that is requested from me to activate the card.
Today it?s a month since this entire circus is going on.
I have asked for cancellation of my card & even that confirmation is yet to come.
Following have been my observations in the entire process.
1) The customer care executive is a name sake customer care as he does not accept responsibility for the call. The next time u call it is going to be somebody else u are going to talk to & hence he has no responsibility for handling the complaint. I have spoken to 7 of them & my problem has not been solved, hence I say this.
2) There is no senior person of the bank available to whom the call can get transferred to , hence the customer has no way to address to the bank directly. I am a customer of ICICI hence I should be able to address them directly if my complaint is not handled well.
3) I have spoken to one lady named Anjana who said she was senior & was sorry for the entire mess & would have the mess sorted in 3 working day & would call me to confirm. Its 10 days, my problem is open & no call received.
4) ICICI is good as long as the going is good, if u have a problem then it is as good as any other public sector bank. I have a lot of friends who share this opinion in Demat accounts, SB account etc.
Hope that the above mail will be a starter to look into your systems to look into the loopholes & correct them so as not to cause problems to other customers.
I am also heading customer support & it would be suicidal if I treat one of our customers this way.
I hope I receive a reply to this mail.
Thanks & Regards,