On 18th march 2006 I received a bill statement 11th March 2006 for my ICICI bank credit card In the
said bill I found certain strange transactions reflecting in my bill. Upon receipt of the said bill I was shocked to see some transactions that were credited on my account, which I was completely unaware of. It was reflecting a purchase of an amount Rs. 52, 704.35 which I never made
through this credit card.
I immediately brought the same under observation of the bank officials & I logged a complaint with ICICI Bank Credit card customer care and disconnected the credit card stating “ If the card is in my custody then how is it possible that the purchase has happed using my credit card account “
I was informed that it will take nearly 60 days for them to investigate the matter and I was made rest assure that the matter will be solved positively and there is no need to make any complaint to any third party authority like Police or Consumer forum in this regards.
After few days ICICI bank started sending me the charge slips of all those disputed transactions reflecting in my bill statement.
Looking at all those charge slips it was very clearly observed that thesignature made on the charge slip and my actual signature are totallydifferent.
I again informed the same to ICICI bank and requested them and told them that I am not at all related to any of this transactions and probable it all a fraudulent transaction happened at very large scale.
Despite this repeated follow us and information provided to ICICI bank, I started getting repeated calls from ICICI bank for the payment dues and they started sending person at my house to threaten me and collect money from me.
Now I logged a formal complaint with Police station about this mental harassment and threatening calls.
Despite al this follows up and repeated request, ICICI is still forcing me to pay their dues and sending person to collect money at my home. My entire family is under tremendous pressure because of this ill treatment by ICICI bank.
I was recently told that ICICI would be taking a legal action against me in these regards.
I am totally lost with this case and finding no way to resolve the same.
1: - ICICI claimes that the matter is solved in favour of bank and not customer.
2: - This is without any information to me they have streight away updated their system with the status that the matter is solved in favour of Bank.
3: - ICICI is not ready to inform anything about any investigation they have carried during this period.
4: - ICICI bank cliams that There is no need to have a signature verification Even if there is aa fraud happened on my card ( Despite the fact that the card is still in my customdy and is not been stolen also )
They are holding me responsible and repeatedly visiting to my house and giving me calls for the payment.
5: - Despite my repeated request, ICICI recovery department is intentionally calling my hose to make my house members ( My wife & Mother ) to pressurise and mentally harrase for the payment.