Using my credit card somebody purchase something online for rs 6700 in the month of February. My credit card no 5 * 0864 6004 , I complaint icici bank customer care and cancel my card and ask them to trace the fraud .
Customer care cancel the card and told complaint is registered you need to wait for 60 days and they did nt give any complaint no. if I call customer care they were telling already 90 days over so we cannot proceed this complaint. if I ask the merchant details they are not ready to give.
Not because of this complaint no I cannot complaint to the higher authority. How can I recover my money and catch the fraud. If we purchase something online murchant address and delivery address should be there they were not suppose to get that also.
Im fed up with customer care they were not ready to help me . I have only one option not to pay the money and withdraw some more amount and forget about the card.