On cash withdrawal from credit card, there is potfull of charges waiting to be adjusted
-Cash of us fee(Processing fee)
-Service Tax on processing fee
-interest charge( from the day I withdrew)
-& service tax on interest charge, just superb means they try as many as means they can to rob us. On my 5000 withdrawl, I have to give 500 Rs. extra(Papa schold me harsh for that)
They will advertise as if, the next best thing, after God is their credit cards, Oh sir, it has so many facilities u can do dis , u can do dat of which 1 is cash withdrawl. Peche hi par jate hain lo lo. The lady representative told me, u can withdraw cash form ur credit card, m not sure, weather she said its free or no charges for withdrawl
but definately she didnt told me abt dis wonderfull extra charges, I have to give
My advice plz avoid withdarwl frm credit card
if u have to
*take least needed ammount
pay back at theearliest, coz interest is calculated frm d day u took it, irrespective of ur payment due date