Let me share with you the credit card application process for a corporate gold card.
ICICI credit card division employs unethical, unprofessional and lying DSAs. The minute they call up they say they are calling from ICICI BANK and as you are a customer of that bank. Then the next thing is that you are a corporate customer so the card is lifetime free. Even the application form says so sometimes but the DSA will always say so!!
You fill up the application form and you have a few queries regarding rates, payment schedule turn around time for special offers. The DSAs obviously are not equipped to answer these so they will get back to you in a few days but fill and sign up the application leaving a few places blank since the DSA is at your address and knows it. You receive an application number that says your application is received with an application number on your mobile number if it is stated in the application.
Then everything goes silent for sometime. You receive a phone call someday saying that its a verification call. However you are supposed to provide the address. Its then that you realize that the person is typing it in somewhere. You ask whats the matter and they say the address on the form is not there or it does not match. Then comes another round of silence. You follow up after a few months and you get to know that they require address proof which was not taken by the DSA at the time of application. You say that you were approached as you were a customer and ICICI had approached you, so just take the damn data from the bank account and link it. You hear that you came through an independent agent on your own!! You say why didnt your agent tell us? They say the verification guy went to your residence but you were not there. I say you know that I work during office hours why did you go my house then? Did you expect me to play hookey from office? Why cant you come after office hours since ICICI bank functions from 8 to 8? You hear ICICI credit card and bank are different. You fax you address proof to a number. SIlence for many days. You call up helpline. Office provided address proofs or even bank statements wont work as address proofs!! Only the ICICI help line provides you the status and you get to know that its only free for a single year and not lifetime.
Fed up with the mis representation and customer unfriendly approach you hang up.
( Oh BTW, I am a very satisfied customer of ICICI bank services and DEMAT services. Its just the services that employ other agencies like Credit Card and Home loan where there are problem areas. Got a call from ICICI demat services today about customer satisfaction co incidentially after this review so I decided to add this bit. )