I have been facing lot of problems with SO CALLED ‘ HUM HAIN NAA: AAPKO LUTNE KE <br/>
LIYE’ bank for last 4-5 years. This is one of the WORST Bank in India as faras customer’s faith is concerned. I canlist most of the problems Ifaced but the list is long, so not includingeach one here.
Howmany of us know that the ICICI and HDFC (only two) banks collectedRupees150 Crore penalty/fine from customers just not to maintainingthemininum average quarterly balance. Like this there are lot of otherdata available with RBI, that depicts how the private sector bankparticularly ICICI bank cheat customers. Even though ICICI bank’smistake customer is asked to pay penalty.
If you want to know how they cheat/hrass customers go to the site: