Please do not take a loan from icici bank. You will end up trapped in their net. Floating rate for them means only going up. They never reduce the rates for existing customers.
They are still charging 13% on my loan. Even after four years, last year out of the 70k that i paid only 9k went to the principal, remaining 61k went to their interest. When int rate goes up, they increase the tenure and when rate comes down, they reduce the emi and keep the tenure same.
So at one point of time my tenure had become 37 years! Icici bank is a leech that will suck even the last drop of your blood turned money. Instead approach a psu bank. I am also trying to get my loan transfered. I had to pay over 2.5 lacs to learn this lesson. Be wiser than me and learn this lesson for free from me. Dont take any loans from icici.