I had availed homeloan from icici bank and I was asked to draw additional loan of rs.85k towards premium for 5 years for a home loan policy which would cover the loan amount against uncertainities. The loan was sanction in feb 2008 and two seperate cheques were issued on the same day one favouring the seller and other in favour of icici lombard. I waited for almost a month for receipt of the policy. Since nothin was heard I started calling their customer care who did not know what to do. Ridiculous !!!!! They were asking me the policy number, I told them I was promised that the policy would be sent to me in a weeks time but has not done.. So how can I know the policy number.
Finally I wrote a strong letter to icici lombard threatening legal action if they fail my requests. Finally in may 2008 I received the policy and to my surprise the policy had incorrect name of my wife and her gender has been shown as male and relation being my wife. I did not know icici bank appreciates / supports gay rights whereas the law of our land is yet to recognise it. Congrats mr. Kamath.. Now my work is to get the policy corrected.
I waited for one more month after giving request but nothing was done. Fed up I have sent a legal notice thru my lawyer. Strangely no one has bothered to reply to it also. I will be soon filing criminal as well as civil charges aginst the company and its directors and make them stand in trial being a revernge for what they have caused to me. I suggest if any one who are facing the similar issues with this company please reply. We can form a consortium and apporach the MRTP Commission and the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission to ban icici lombard from functioning in india itself. Dont think twice I am a legal professional and I know my rights and duties very well.