Self and wife are in USA to spend time with our children. We had taken an Insurance Policy from an Indian Insurance Company, ICICI Lombard. As per the policy and the Global Assistance Card issued by them, we were supposed to get coverage in USA from United Health Care (UHC), USA. Apart from the ICICI Policy No., they also assigned a UHC ID for both of us.
As I had a small issue with my finger and wanted to visit a doctor, I called up United Health Care to validate my policy. Unfortunately to my surprise I understood that ICICI Lombard had not registered us with them, our details are not in their system and the UHC ID numbers assigned are fake. They identified the Insurance Company by the Group ID on the card and as per UHC and ICICI Lombard agent in USA we are supposed to pay from our pocket and claim for reimbursement.
We are not sure whether reimbursement can be made while in USA or after we return to India? We are also not sure what hassles will be there for getting that money?! What we understand is that only when we make a claim, ICICI will register our details with UHC. This means we have to carry up to insured amount in foreign currency if we were to get admitted in a hospital!!! Friends, they have not only fooled us but all those who have already taken a policy from them and those who intend to....
Through this message, Ill be happy if I can save money and time of many Indians who would have otherwise fallen a victim... (We wasted around USD 400 equivalent amount in Indian currency for covering both of us) I dont know how other Insurance Companies in India operate as far as Travel Insurance is concerned?
My humble advice to those who travel is never to take a medical policy from India but from the country where you travel. Youll never have to pay a penny from your pocket and is much cheaper!