As per my earlier conversation one of yours customers support executive, regarding my policy benefits, during the conversations, I understood each and every small point and all the possible benefits of the policy then I took the decision for my son and I allowed the hospital to start the treatment, but after that, I was stuck with you with the false commitments on all those points which I had discussed with you, like room rent, surgery charges, medical investigations, medicine, and all others points.
I have all those call records, but you guys denied everything and cut my all the approved amount by just saying that this is the only benefit in your policy.
As per your earlier approval and final approval, there was a huge difference which was very crucial for me at the moment of discharge, and this is not the way to deal with the person whos already in a very depressed mood and upset with the medical Bills and financial problems.
The earlier approved amount was 146725 but at the moment of discharge, we got only 1 Lc 3 thousand and my bill was around 2 lac rupees. rest 1 lc rupee I paid.
This is my reference number 22042020563.
And this is not the first time I have been cheated by your customers support with wrong commitments.