Three years ago my father had taken the policy in ICICI prudentials and the policy was for 15 years, the premium was 20, 000 per year.
For the three years he paid the premium but because of some financial issues he quited the policy.
The policy was totally dependent on market current conditions. So for the three premiums of total 60, 000 the company paid him 85, 000 INR that is 25, 000 profit which is not bad at all.
But in such type of policy there is always a risk but that is the market rules, So investing money in ICICI is not at all a bad decision, as your money is secured and guaranteed.
But for such investment which depends on market conditions you need to play safe, so do not take the risk.
Also there are several other beneficial long term policies in ICICI.
Being with ICICI was profitable and also their staffs and services were good.
Worth being the invester in ICICI.