Like most insurance companies...this co. might also try to sell u an unit linked plan. U can keep it simple by buyin term and investing the diff in a good mutual fund like hdfc top 200, templeton flexicap, or discovery of pru icici.
the unit linked plans of pru icici ARE very badly priced and will not let u accumulate much money. Why? because the annual amc charges along with the upfront charges are TOO much. What they have in their favor is a huge, well paid, hungry work force wihch pushes the prduct thru their BEWARE. surely it is not a value for money.
instead take a term policy - after comparing the pricing across hdfc, icici, birla, and lic.
if at all u must take a ulip take hdfc.........their annual charges of 0.8% is the LOWEST in the fund management of now. Even better chek out whether u need insurance, how much u need, how much u already have...and then go about it in a serious maner. if still in doubt read farooqis review!!