Never subscribe to the icici lifetime policy. Infact never club insurance with investment. The way the insurance agents sell this policy is intended to delude and mislead the public bcos they get 15% commission on this policy and only 2% on pure risk coverage policy (hence they never talk about icici lifeguard). Also in life time they deduct 37%, 15% and 7% respectively oin the first 3 years as admin charges (????). Also the mortality charges are never transparent as they depend on sum at risk. The agent tries to show returns of 20% in maximiser and 13% in balancer which is never guaranteed. Hence better opt for pure risk coverage without return of premium and the remaining amount invest in mutuaL funds (SIP) which has an entry load of 1% compared to 37% in lifetime. Also I heard that that ICICI insurance tries to avoid paying claims by picking up some legal loophole that one cannot imagine and hence beware of all these private insurance companies. They are here just to make profit. Service to public be damned