Invested INR 600000/- in Year 2008 ., Got back INR 599000/- in the YEAR 2012. Yes lost 1K. I would say I was lucky to lose only 1K, but when you calculate keeping inflation in mind., there is no end to your loss. I was coerced by this agent into putting my money in this so called R.I.C.H Fund and was promised(verbally) of 30% minimum returns. but when I thought with a open mind only after buying this policy. I wondered how is it possible for them or the fund to give 30% returns. why. because. they take 16% allocation fund in the first year, 8% in the second and 4% in the 3rd year. well that was not enough for these money hungry mongrels., they even charge you another 2% as surrender charge. End result: Fund value shows 611000.00(- 2% Surrender charges)= 599000/- . FOOLS MADE