Hi, This is my advise to all stock market investors and traders. Never ever think of opening a share trading account with ICICIDIRECT website for following reasons.
1) Their site is dam slow. Even their low BANDWIDTH option doesnt work for normal use also.
2) Their brokerage is too high even for a normal average investor.
3) Their customer service people doesnt know what is trading. Whatever queries asked they cut, copy and paste help from their website.
I am just a beginning trader and I just lost around Rs12, 000/- as their site didny even open for me to SQUARE OFF of my trade becoz of which I lost. Now I have opened accnt with 5paisa. Please take my advise. Experience is a great teacher. They dupe people in the name of 3 in one account. I have also read a lot of complaints, reviews negative experince others faced during trading in ICICIDIRECT website. Think, do not loose your hard earned money by falling prey to ICICI.