Today as we knew the market would fell, I booked some Sell position under their "MarginPLUS Order" feature. I was happy by seeing that market was behaving as expected. At around 2:00 oclock, I squared off my position and was happy that I have made good profit today.
I clicked on the Cash Projection link to see exactly how much profit I have made. Now the surprise was, I didnt make any profit. why?
I realized that while Squaring off my position, ICICI didnt complain but didnt square off my position either. The trade was still pending. Now how the hell on earth, I would know my trade was not successful without any error message.
I asked the customer care to square off my trade positions on my behalf. Even they were helpless and I was told that the automatic square off between 2:45 and 3:15 will take care of my trades. So, even though I predicted the market right and was on my way to get profit... ICICI deprived me of the profit.
Story didnt end here, they have not squared off my trade position till now (6:00 pm). So, their autoatic square off system didnt run even. :)
ICICI seems to be in the beta version. I dont know why ICIC is allowing trading on this trumbling web site.
Please advice some better site for trading