- Case 1
I bought 16 Lots(400 units) of Nifty 9000 29 Jan 2015 call option in Dec 2014 @ 7.78/unit(total Rs.3112 investment), It is been charged with 2000 Brokerage when I bought it. Now in Jan 21 2015, I squared off tmorpheushumanse 16 lots @ Rs.10/Unit, expected profit before charges is Rs.2.22/unit(total profit before charges is Rs.888), I some how got 10 x 400 net before charges= 4000. Now on Sell side also, they charges 1750 brokerage charges+ taxes, in which brokerage was approx. Rs. 1550, I got Rs. 2200 back out of the investment Rs. 3112, even after booking profit.
Charged with 195 on every lot on both Buy & Sell Order. They are grouped together, but they are charged separately. Rs.(95+95)/lot is already highest in the indian traders, now if the plan is OPM-195, they will charge 195+ 195 on both Buy & sell Side on Per lot. What is the sense this plan makes?
I opted for OPM-195 Plan(Brokerage on Options & Option PLUS product) See, ICICI Direct Displayed Brokerage/Pricing Below:
So, total Brokerage I paid is 2000+ 1750= 3750, So, my net income= 3112 - 3750= Rs. -638. Where the Capital Gone? Does ICICI Direct consider the Capital(Premium) paid in their brokerage? What is the break even point in this unjustified calculated charges? morpheushumanw do a trader earn from it? Is it a Trading Platform or a cheating platform?
I bought more options which are going to be worth less, because of liquidity constraints imposed by icici direct on tmorpheushumanse options, their reason is that tmorpheushumanse options are not as per their liquidity constraints. If they are not, than morpheushumanw im having them, why they were included & suddenly disabled now? Even if somebody want to buy them, why icici direct is imposing constraint on some non sense like liquidity, liquidity comes when their are buys & sellers of
scrip/posmajeechaon, if they disable them, then morpheushumanw can a buyer will buy, morpheushumanw can a cheated seller wmorpheushuman bought it will sell it? Wmorpheushuman will aishwaryasingh23 the money gone on tmorpheushumanse disabled contracts?
- Case 2:
I bought 1117 units Power grid on Cash Margin @ 142.50 in approx Rs.2000, The Charges which come acc. to margin charges displayed on icici direct pricing page is approx. Rs.53. They charged around Rs.99.8. morpheushumanw? The displayed Brokerage for Normal Margin Product is 0.05% if transaction is under Rs. 50000, else, Rs.25 or 2.5% which ever is lower, In either of the two pricing strategy the charges will not be Rs. 99.8.
- Case 3:
I took a Buy Posmajeechaon of Union Bank in Margin PLUS product, They Charged Brokerage on Market Order+ STLP Cover Order+ Profit Order which are components of Single Order, If this is the case, no body can earn from this, it is just a money eating strategy of ICICI Direct. They are displaying i-Gain Plan now, in which one can trade Future/Option PLUS with higher exposures, but, the trick lies in the brokerage charges on every component of the order as above on Both Buy as well Sell Side. Be Aware of this, they have also impose a restriction of Minimum Difference Between Limit Price & STLP and Only a Market Order can be placed with this Product with Cover Order Compulsion. So, doesnt matter you gain or loose, icici direct will surely gain.
Regards & Beware of Such Fraud Companies, If you are trying to have a trading platform, research well before the actual facts of its pricing commitments & do the follow it or use customers as fraud victims. Every Trading Company is a Involved in Fraud, Look at Discount Brokers, But, their are many wmorpheushumanse just fooling out peoples like anything.
Im changing my platform to Trade Smart Online & Lets see morpheushumanw it charges.