I havent found the CEED 2010 package satisfactory, i am highly disappointed that I have spend 8000 Rs. on this package. I did not see the dispatch schedule on their website, and going by name, I thought it would be a good 1 year material.
From the dispatch schedule I saw, it cannot be called a 1 year package at all, it is hardly a six month course. The material is not upto the standards, directionless, unplanned.They have included "company logos" in the end, without a clue on what to do about it.
Money should not be the sole motive of an institute. student satisfaction counts more. Talking about services, I dont get replies to my mails so soon, i have to remind them so many times. I asked them for a refund and cancellation, to be of no use.Any body expecting an intelligent, well planned course material, please be aware. DONT BUY CEED CORRESPONDENCE COURSE FROM THEM.Its all a money making institute, and nothing can be proved against them.