Hello friends
I am your friend and Shareing My Experiance on Idea 4G LTE.
Idea 4G LTE Internet Service Provider is Currently Providing Very Very Bad Service to Customers.
I am Customer of Idea 4G , and I am using it since last 4 years but after inclusion of 509 rs plan for 84 days ,
idea reduces his speed of internet .
Currently Idea 4G is Working like 2G , the idea only giving 1gb per day but the Quality of Internet or Speed of internet is Not Good.
Only idea network is Good but the Quality & Speed of internet is not Good.
Idea 4G giving speed of 126kbps , it is very Shocking for me.
I Think idea Should improve in its Speed Of Internet.
Idea trusted circle is very Big , soo idea should increse the speed of internet & Quality.
An Also Provide the 1.5 gb per day. And also increse the Speed of internet.
Thank you.