I have been using Idea network from a long time, earlier when it has only 2G and 3G services the network was very reliable, the speed of both 2G and 3G network was really good. From the last 3 years the speed of both 2G and 3G network got reduced, the network is not all stable, The internet speed was so slow that I couldnt even open webpages quicker in mobile browsers, it used to take 20-25 second for the webpage to load. When I was facing the speed issue then they introduced 4G services, then immediately I switched to 4G service, they even offered 2GB 4G data for the upgrade, when I started using it in my hometown the speed was not at all good, the network was very unstable the network used to cutoff every 5 minutes which was even worse than 2G and 3G networks, then I thought it might be the problem of network at my hometown. To make it clear I have tested it in another city the result was the same, the speed it provides is not all 4G, it is same as the 3G speed. When I contacted customer care to know what actually is the problem, they asked me to change some settings in mobile, I even made some changes but the result was the same, then the customer care started saying that it is the problem of the smartphone I am using, then I have tested it on another smartphone there was no change at all. They simply promote their network though their network is not that good enough to get the attention of the customers, Idea 4G network is probably the worst network I have used.