At the time of installation I paid for three months to avoid installation charges but after uses of one month I realise that paying for three months was my biggest mistake. It never connects continuous and disconnect frequently. After every 1-2 hrs speed goes down. Main problem is that it never ever connects on Sundays. It’s like it is a holiday for them. I complained about it regularly. Even after every 3-4 days I need to complain them about connectivity and speed, they used to register complaint and sent their engineer at home. But biggest problem is that his working hrs was till 6 pm and my husband and mine were 7pm. We have managed that by taking leave from office but result is hell. 2-3 times it was down for 3-4 days continuous and we can’t manage leave from office to attain their engineer so there was no internet for 3-4 days and this happened 2-3 times. One time when I registered complaint their engineer came, he spend almost 2 to 3 hrs at home to recover the problem. At that time it was solved and speed shows 2mbps and next day again speed was down. At the time of installation they promise 2mbps till 15gb and then 512 but actual it is not more than 1mbps and after 15 gb it never goes more than 150-200 kbps. It is really irritating. We also asked to nearby Idea users if they are facing the same problem. They are same frustrated like me.