IDEA is the worst. I have a prepaid mobile connection with them. I do not know if the service differs for post paid. However, the problem with IDEA is that their Customer Support is pathetic, and it seems they got an AWARD. It is easier to get a line to KBC than to IDEA customer support.
The only thing positive about IDEA is the coverage, and that incoming calls do come in without any redails.(This is in contrast to AIRTEL, where incoming calls do not come, unless the person dials 3-4 times, which is the reason I switched from Airtel). And if you have a AIRTEL connection, especially PrePaid, then anyone trying to contact you will find it difficult.
Apart from that IDEA is HORRIBLE in the below areas:
Customer Support is pathetic
The worst part is that they swindle money from you. For no reason there is deductions on your talk time. Without asking, your dialer tone is set, and a Rs 30 is deducted.
Then, there is the un-necessary calls. The problem is that this is an automated call, so there is no human talking to you, and you hear a machine, asking you to "1 for English, 2 for Hindi.".
If you are a pre-paid user, then it is best to monitor your balance, for no reason there are deductions, and every month you end up paying just like a post paid user.
Below is the email to Customer Support:
Hi. I have NEVER opted for dailer tones. However, I got an SMS that Rs 30 has been deducted from my balance for the dailer tone.
I do not understand, how can IDEA do this, without informing me. I get business calls and I just want an ordinary dailer tone.
Please reimburse the charge and kindly revert the dailer tone back to normal.
The sarcastic aspect of this, is that apart from being charged for dailer tone, without asking for it, the dailer tone set for my mobile is HORRIBLE. I suggest you call my mobile to find out!
I do not want to be harsh, but my opinion is that having a prepaid mobile of IDEA is the worst idea. But the best part is that EVERY provider is the same, and the consumer has to pick the best of the worst!
I have tried calling up customer support, but without any luck. Hence writing this email. Hoping to get a response through this channel. Thank You.