Idea Sim Better than Other Networks
I prefer my as idea in last 6 months.
Because of my friend choosen that sim to me.
Starting I choose that sim for unilimited balance like jio sim.
I got this for 350 rupees. totally 84 days. it gives to me internet as daily 1gb and unlimited local and roaming calls for free.
That time I very exited. Because It gives facilities for small cost.
I prefer my data for using youtube and whatsapp, twitter, etc. after many days it alerts me to over of unlimited balance in my sim. Next time the rates will increased . Now in Jan 6 2018 The Offer of unlimited was increased. I reacharged with 449 rupees it was give daily 1gb internet, unlimited calls, daily 100 sms. So im Full of happy.
Because I got this same offer at low cost.
But Some time The network will down at villages.
my Home is at Town But Daily I go to another village. when I travell in the bus the network connection should be fall and down. Sometimes it irritates me. Because I never got network problems at my home. but when I travell to a tour it gives some connection problems while I calling and messeging, surfing at internet. Its to bad for me. The Main disadvantages is network connection. So My thought for idea operator company was Please improve your tower signals as 4G. The Costomer Services should be clear my doubts at idea sim. Recently My friend have a trouble with idea sim that is the sim was blocked by PUK services. so he asked to me for unlocking the sim. I prefer the customer services of idea customer care.
He connects the call to the idea customer services from my idea sim. I connect the call to care and he told better solution for him. to unlock the sim. Now Idea is Better than othersims. And I using Unlimited services but normal calls it will charge full like 2paisa one second. So My suggession to idea services was please improve your charges at idea rate cutters and at net packs like 4 paisa 10 KB.
Simply the Idea Sim is better for using net a town and using calls of unlimited pack service.
I choose Idea.
I give a advice to you to take the idea sim. for unlimited services.
it gives unlimited services for unlimited calls+daily 100 sms+daily 1GB internet at 199 rupees for 28 days,
My prefer for unlimited was unlimited calls+ daily 100 sms+ 1 GB internet at 509 rupees for 91 days.
But network connections will irritate you.
Would like to buy idea sim please messege me I will give better offer at idea network to you.