Before 2 months we wanted to get some corporate connections in our office, we were in search for the same, many people recommended not to go with idea as they were experiencing bad service. Instead we contacted Mr. Mukund (8605898444) for getting information.
(Dont remember his service provider). Making faith on him regarding customer service we finalized their proposal and started the plan. After some days somebody told us regarding Redeem Gift Plans from idea that they are offering some prorogue brands free of cost. Again we contacted Mr.Mukund and asked him to give information, he provided some vouchers for the same, we get all the information from net and collected all the documents necessary to send for same. (Somewhere around 12th dec.)
One very important document that was suppose to give by idea person is receipt of payment done initially to them. We are just begging from last 15 days to Mr. Mukund (a very busy person in idea, not receiving calls, no reply for message) to deliver it as its one of the documents to redeem gift, but Mukund sir was busy somewhere in Chennai, nasik and allover Maharashtra.I really pissed off and contacted idea gallery on 21 Dec.situated at bhandarkar road. Mrs.Anita Chavan was the lady who assured me that the receipts will be delivered tomorrow itself, again we waited for Mr. Mukund but no contact.
Nobody from idea asked me for feedback for my complaint. So I got the idea about complaint closure system from Great Idea.
I immediately want a call from Regional Manager for my complaint and give assurance for Redeem Gifts as days are passing. Otherwise in coming 2 days I will be stopping all connections without paying any balance payment, 2nd option get portability from other service.
As MUKUND SIR is very busy, company needs to have more employees to generate business.
Ranjit Patil