I would like to bring to your notice that Ive filled a application to buy a new number from Idea Store, Ludhiana on 1st of June. At that time thier sales executive has ensured me that the number will be activated with in 72 hrs. But number does not activated in 72 hrs. Then I called that sales executive that the number does not activated in mean time which you have tolled me. He tolled me that he has forwared the varification request after your address verification your number wil be activated.
Then next day ive received this message from idea comapany witten below :
Dear Customer, address verification conducted on Date: 03/06/2017 for AMANDEEP SINGH holding Mobile Number xxxxxxxxxx against Billing Account No: 1000xx932875 has been unsuccessful since you have denied the sale.
But in accual no one visited at my house. And even no one called me.
Then ive called the sales executive and told him the same. He has forwared the varificaton request again.
Then again ive recevied the same mesaage from idea company.
Then I have called at number wich they have booked for me. When ive called on that number it was already active.
Ive called the sales executive that wich number you have booked for me is already active. Then he told me that he will book another number for me. Then he given me another number and forward the varification request . After verifucation till date that no not yet activated by idea company im totally fustrated and suggest u all to think before buying new number from idea