Idea 3G service sucks.When I recently moved to pune, I called Idea guy, promised me good service and network(internet speed) but network sucks after 8pm, it switches to 2G rates. Sales guy promised me if I take post paid connection of plan 750/-Rs , 5GB for 3month, dongle is free and he told, I can switch to free paid after 3 month and even unlock USB dongle. Every thing he promised is false.
After 3 months, when I reached Idea care center, they told I can not change to prepaid until 6 months, when I checked online, there is no unlock crack available to for Idea 303D(dongle model), then I decided to switch to 2GB plan(450/-Rs), even though I have not used 2GB(as set limit in Idea software), bill came with 2.5GB(royal cheating) used and 700/-Rs, when I contacted IDea care, they told, many customer complain the same, software they provided does not show statics correctly, Idea care centers are pathetic, does not give proper info to customer, even bothered to look at customer when you enter there shop. One should think 100 times before taking Idea 3G, real cheaters...should be avoided.
There payment system is pathetic, every time you have to Idea care and pay in cash, online Insta Pay is real joke, it always page timeouts or never works..