I have Idea connection for past 1 yr as in ( kovalam, trivandrum ) Kerala this is the only connection which has a good network. I had Airtel earlier but the network was so bad that inside my house there was just one room where the network came and only near the window. so finally I switched to Idea thinking it would be as good as BSNL as for past many yrs I had been using that and getting one BSNL connection was not easy here.... Well its network coverage is excellent and roaming facality is good. But coustmer service is bad.
Once you dial 458 to speak to a customercare you have to hear the speaking first in malayalam and then english where as in other connection once can choose the language of perferance. then you keep waiting for the whole message to get ober which is for 3 min 1 and half min in each language. then the voice mail speaks to you that you on hold as our costmer care person is busy and after another 3 min or so you get connected. then the person speaks not in english but malayalam and you need to tell him I dont understand the language then he would speak to you in broken english. Well wht is worst is my SMS were not going but I was getting charged for it....
I logged a complaint but no use. they did not revert. on chking with them they said everything from their end was perfect. Well there goes my money, next time I was getting some calls from some idea number talking in malayalam and sms in malayalam and miss calls for long, when asked idea to chk whoes number it was they told me I should go to the cops and lodge a FIR and they would do the needful when I went to the police station the cop did not understand english or pretended he did not whtever the case is did not lodged the complain. I called idea again and they said they can do nothing bout it.
I wanted to change my no and service provider but going to airtel was not fisilble as no network coverage. well its not just once I had given a complan and it was not solved but couple of incedents. well all I could get was no for an answer and that they were right. in many incidents the coustmer care cut the call when asked for an expalation. wereas my fren who is a localite her problem always gets solved. ALL I UNDERSTOOD WAS IF U IN KERALA U NEED TO SPEAK MALAYALAM TO GET THINGS DONE COZ IF U CANT ULL NEVER GET UR WORK DONE OR NO ONE WILL PAY ATTENTION TO UR NEEDS.