Ive used IDEA post paid. I must say a clear avoid.
Poor network coverage even in a city like Bangalore.
Slow data speeds. Their data plans are very expensive yet the speeds are pathetic. Ive complained numerous times but there was never a solution nor a refund for the charges.
Wrong billing - they activate data plans without customers permission. When questioned they say promotional offer activated for valuable customers. It is free for 1 month and starting from next month, the charge is there. When I questioned how gave the permission to activate, no answer from the bast*rds. Their Customer care calls are charges Re. 1 for every 3 minutes. So at the end, they are benefited in all the ways.
They deactivate SMS packs without informing customers. This is my final blow. After so many irritations with IDEA PP, I was shocked to see a bill of nearly Rs. 300 more just because of SMS. They deacivated the SMS pack and I didnt receive any email or msg. When I raised a bill dispute, I asked them to give me the request number for deactivating the SMS pack. The bast*rds have no answer again. Worst part is that I raised the complaint 3 times but still no bill was waived off and being postpaid Ive paid the full wrong bill too.
Decided to move away from IDEA and ported to a different n/w. Cleared all the bills and got a bill again with subject as "Final Notice for bill payment dues". The mail threatens saying the number will be deactivated by informing to my current network provider if I do not pay the bill within 15 days. IDEA bast*rds have collected Rs. 500 as deposit money from me which they didnt return till now yet they sent to pay dues of worth Rs. 103. One month back Ive sent them email to refund the deposit but they didnt even answered my mail. The threatening mail is from one Syed Hussain and retentionbackend.kar@idea.adityabirla.com.
When IDEA has Rs. 500 which is not refunded to me, why they sent Rs. 103 as dues? Ive sent an email requesting the same Syed but that idiot didnt answer my mail even after 1 week.
IDEA PP is full of asshoes and bastrds. Do not encourage them! I did a mistake.