I was previously using Airtel(please do read that review)and fed up with those robbers I got myself!dea and boy what a refreshingchange it was, first and foremost no call drops at least I havent experiencedany. The call and voice clarity is excellent and since there is no call dropproblem so the charges are perfect without robbing me unlike Airtel, I justwish TRAI allows network switching without number switching then I wouldlike to know how well Airtel fairs, and I though I was the only one experiencingproblems with Airtel but then when I read the reviews I was convinced that itsnot me alone and so I decided to switch to anything and I was told about!deaby the local store guy.
As for Airtel I recommend all you people with Airtel please switch to anyother network of your choice but I strongly recommend!dea or Vodafone for Mumbaiplease understand my suggestion is for Mumbai circle