A good add, High class celebrity and adjustment in service is your choice of buying a Mobile connection then please do not read this further.
I am an Idea / Spice customer from 6+ years and always believe in being loyal to brands that I use however my experience with Idea is a nightmare and mobile number portability has come as boon to that problem. There was always problem with Network coverage and I have tolerated it for almost 5 years, just to maintain my number and being loyal to Idea however that is not the only problem. The customer service is pathetic. Their IVR disconnects customers after some seconds of the call and most of the time it will not connect. after three tries it will expire the connectivity and will not allow you to call customer care. Imagine you want to report your problem and you are not even allowed to do so.
In case you are lucky and get connected, then the executive will provide you a reference number with and you will feel as if some one has thrown a food on a hungry person and has to be satisfied only with that. No action will be taken as it has happened in my case.
Most of my friends faced the same problem and they shifted to other connections. They were intelligent. My loyalty has now cost me too much.
Thanks to mouth shut .com as it has given me an opportunity to speak and I believe people who are like minded will consider this as customer revelation and will act smart while buying the goods. Lets raise our voice against products that does not fulfill their promises and stop compromising.
Thanks and regards