I have been a satisfied customer of Idea if not a happy customer for the last one year. I have a corporate connection(2 numbers). Once in a while calls dont connect at night. I use my Airtel prepaid to make calls at that time. And once in a while message(sms) reaches after half an hour.
But I must say I am disappointed with the way the billing is done for the internet services(2G/3G).
I activated 3G first. I was told that for 100 Rs. pack, there is 100 MB download. And till december they are giving 100MB free usage. In the second month when I used around 180 MB I was charged additional 460 rupees. When I called the complaints customer care number, the person said 100 MB free is free only for the first month. The idea site says that 100MB is free till december 2011. But he didnt agree with me and asked me to pay the full amount. Then I called the general customer care number from a landline and this time some other guy picked the call. I told him that I want to activate 3G and wanted to find details before activating. I didnt provide my number to him. He first said 100 MB is free for only first month. then when I told him about what is there on the site, he talked to his supervisor and confirmed that 100MB per month is valid till december. Now I told him that I was charged extra, he asked me to send mail to customer care. They took almost a week to confirm that the billing was wrong. However I had to pay the full amount so that they dont charge me for late payment. I de-activated 3G because 100 MB of usage is not at all enough for me. My Motorola Android phone never showed 3G in the whole month. All the while it showed I was on Edge(2.5G). I dont know where is the mistake. It could find Airtel 3G, Aircel 3G, BSNL 3G but couldnt find Idea 3G network in the list of networks either.
Next month I activated 2G so that I can get 2GB data. After using almost 300 MB my outgoing got barred because they say my unbilled usage is now 1800 whereas my credit limit is 1000. From the last 10 days I dont have any outgoing(sms/calls/internet). I sent mails; I called customer care. no use. They want me to increase my credit limit to 2000 by paying 1000 at any idea care. My question is: If I want to use the whole 2GB, my credit limit should be 10000 atleast. What is the use of activating a service and not able to use it. Add to it I cant use other services also. I am sure idea will charge me rental for the 12 days for the call plan as well as the data plan. So for these 12 days I will pay rental to get just incoming!
I use internet to check my official mail and because of this stupid way of billing I finally had to get rid of internet on idea all together.
I dont have any complaints regarding the speed of internet because I didnt use a lot of video sharing sites(youtube etc). I used general internet also sparingly. Mostly to book meru cabs or book movie tickets or search something on google.
But because of the way the billing is done for postpaid customers I would strongly advise to stay away unless you want to use 100 or 200 MB out of the 2GB. You can use it if you have a credit limit of 6000 or 10000:)