The major concern with Idea customer care and their outlet - Recently I wanted to get a connection for IDEA and provided the document to their outlet. after collecting my document I never got response from anybody from their company. If I go to their outlet they say the person who collected the document left the company and after that many times I went to their outlets every time they gave me different reason not solutions.
Later met their manager he says every time it is under processing but message to mobile or email etc. never received. I contacted their(worst, Worst.) customer care they says they can not help anything asked to go to outlet(where I visited more than 10 times).
Then I sent mail to their(Worst) customer care services first time replied and asked details, then some body from their company called me and informed he will resolve the issue within 72 hrs(i dont know 72 hrs means what in their language may be 72 years) as I never got any solution so I sent the email to customer care several time and there also same problem no body responded to my question or concerns.
This is the second such issue I faced with IDEA, first changed the prepaid to postpaid that time I had balance in prepaid and when I was converted to postpaid their customer care mentioned that we have 500 as deposit till that time no need to pay the amount, we used only part of that then in second bill they charged 50 late for not paying, their customer case said something and their bills says something.
When I call customer care they say they cannot help and need to visit outlet, when visit outlet same circle CC to Outlet and outlet to CC.
Never recommend to use Idea Services
Let me know if anyone have a solution for this.