Hello guys I want to tell you about the fact that most people havent noticed . Basically I am idea user for a long period of time and I love the services provided by them. But recently the communication giant jio has given a tough competition to idea and to counter it idea too released the similar plans. The plan was 70 days 1 gb 4g internet per day for Rs 399.
Since I was a idea user I was bit excited for it and recharged my number as soon as I came to know about it.But as my schedule was hectic, I was not able to use all the data.so to use data at fullest I started to download movies, application, etc.this continued for many days and then one day while I was downloading a file it was exactly of 1gb size and I started to download and left my phone .
When I came back I noticed that the data was exausted earlier and the file was not downloaded .i was bit confused since I havent used my data anywhere and how come data is exhausted before the file was downloaded .so next day I downloaded a app to measure the data usuage from playstore.
Then I waited another day to set the daily limit to 1 gb on idea app.once limit was 1 gb I started the idea app and the data usage app in background and started download and left my phone. When I came back I noticed the same problem it showed 1 gb in idea app and 940mb in data usage app.
Wheres my 60mb data ? I did it on next day and same .
I think that they are not providing full data to users as they claim of .