I purchased the Idea Net Setter dongle in May 2013. When a new product such as this data card is bought we were not told about an "expiry date" which is exactly one year from the purchase date! Surprised? Read on. Imagine a product costing Rs.1500 is all programmed to "expire" exactly after 365 days of use. My dongle stopped working on 17th May 2014 which made me rush to their "My Idea" offices located at every nook and corner.
The staff is only trained and eager to SELL not to service or listen to complaints, so the customer is treated like a football and asked to run around from "back office" to "front office" - whatever that means. After a hectic run around of three days, I am being told that the validity of SIM card inside the data card has expired and therefore it will not work.
To which I asked the validity to be extended and if there was a charge I would be prepared to pay for it. He called up his back office / front office and "requested" that the validity be renewed. Three days down the line no response whatsoever. My recharge amount of Rs.245 for 30 days / 1 Gb was also wasted. There is no one taking responsibility, no one whom I can speak to, the clerk on the counter keeps saying it will be done. When, NO IDEA!
That is the IDEA! I have already lodged a complaint with the Consumer forums and will take it to the logical end. It is because we consumers are lazy and lethargic that these companies end up swindling customers and treat them like trash. Be proactive, assert ones RIGHT and get our moneys worth. If they cant serve us then they better wind up.