What an bad idea. The netsetter product is no new revolution in internet speeds. It is based on GPRS Platform. when you connect the netsetter to pc it displays speed of 238 kbps. But this is totally incorrect. The speed is horrible, even if you type https://google.com, the web page takes a considerable time say 7-8 seconds to load.
Downloading speed is a complete joke when you begin downloading the speed may range to 4-5 kbps but gradually it reduces to 1kbps and most of the times to 500 bps. After 15 days only I requested to disconnect it, but they disconnected after three months and even made me pay Rs 800. total 2800 + 800 of my money went into this netsetter.
I had hardly used it. Even the remedies provided by them for improving the speeds proved hopeless. Their first intention was only to Extract money. Even When approached for disconnection hardly anyone of them requested to reverse the decision. The lady from whom I purchased the netsetter stopped answering my calls. I tried this product for speeds at Bhayendar, Vasai and Powai but I got same results everywhere. This product is completely undesirable. never think about purchasing it.