I am Writing the Review for Idea 3G Netsetter Data Card Connection. (Had this connection for few months). It is one of the worst Connections of all times. Customer Care Dept is Pathetic always put you on hold while you call them. Technical Support is Dumb dont know basic troubleshooting. They will always put fault on your Laptop/Desktop. They will raise complaints and close the complaint number without even checking with customer whether it is resolved or not.
Let me share a Secret about Idea 3G Netsetter Connection One of the Guys working in Idea Told.They use the Shared Airtel 3G network based on an agreement between both Airtel & IDea. They dont have their dedicated 3G Network. Suppose by bad luck any issue happens with Airtel 3G network these Idea Technical People are helpless and cant do anything to resolve the issue it will take weeks to get 3G speed. At that time speed will be in Range of 50- 60 Kbps Not even enough to Open Gmail or yahoo mail.
See My attached Screenshot as Proof!
Same issue had occurred. I have raised "N" number of Complaints No one even bothered to call me to check on the same. (For 9 Days - No 3G Speed). When I went for disconnection they took the "6" Days rental even though I was not getting 3G speed. Idea Showroom are Good money looters. Dont even think of having this connection even if they give data card freely, even going to Cyber Center is fine than going for Idea.
Finally I am relieved today after disconnecting the Idea 3G connection. One Sincere Request to Chairman "Kumar Mangalam Birla" Please take serious note of Customer Concerns/issues faced or else U need to Shut down! Idea Cellular one Fine Day. "What an Idea Sirji" Tag will not work anymore!