Am the customer of an idea from past one year idea will say an many offers and also they will give many adds IIN and all but speed of network is very poor recently I have recharged 3g top up pack but the speed is like an 2G but they given me with the name of 3g also when I try to call customer care they will keep on me waiting in call for an 30 min after that they will disconnect our call also an the idea says simply many offers but not work properly.
Recently they have come up with an new adds like an IIN but its completely lie also simply they are earning money from us instead of idea airtel is better good network and very good speed but its little costly also an very good customer service I wont like to recommend go for idea to my friends and family its not at all good network outside city no service it will work only in within city try other network instead of idea you will like it dont go for an idea.