Before moving to my new house, I was looking some good Internet Providers. I had very few options available in my area, I met a idea salesperson and he convinced me that Idea wifi is the fastest growing Internet Provider and you will get full speed even in peak hours. Since I never trust wireless connections.
I asked him is it wired or wireless, he told me that we will lay down a wire to your home and you have to connect your router to it. Convinced by that conversation and by the brand name of Idea, I agreed to take the connection and paid for installation charges and one month fee in advance.
On the day of installation I came to know that they set up a wireless device on the terrace of the building as the source of rj45 cable and that they will lay into your house. One device is designed to stretch 4 cables to different houses in the building.
Still I believed that it would be some new technology and I will not suffer from speed issue. The technician installed and checked the speed, it was hooping 2.45 MBPS. I was very happy at that time. When we shifted into the house and started using Idea WIFI, we discovered that it was complete failure due to below reasons:
1) I will give you no more that 10kbps in peak hours, in between 10-12pm, it wont work at all.
2) During off hours, you will find that you are getting full bandwidth, but when you start watching videos online, every now and then you will get buffering message. It never gives continuous speed.
3) Some times it did not worked for 2-3 days.
4) After calling customer care, they sent a technician, he did some restarts but no use.
5) I requested for permanent disconnection and then I got a call from Idea that the speed issue was because their primary server