I used Idea wifi for a couple of months and had to call them almost every 3rd day to change/restart the server. Becoz I had paid for 6 odd months I didnt want to break my head with them for getting my money back.
Their engineers/sales guys are trained to lie with a straight face. The hardware they use is a piece of shithole.
I am marginally shying away from saying that Idea is truly a marwari company about everything they do. In other words, to hell with customer if you can pocket your customers money and get away with it.
Now coming to my issue.
*Assholes made me subscribe to their 6 month plan and I was forced to use their shitty services that long unfortunately. But it became worse when they disconnected my connection 3 weeks before the due date and asked me to pay for the following six freaking months. I clearly communicated to them that I will not continue with their services and hence I would like to use their service for which I have paid for, and then move on. Their idiotic rastard customer care says that they cannot activate it back till I pay for next six months. After heated discussions, I agreed to take the refund for remnant 3 weeks and close the account thereafter.
Since, that day I am getting stupid Idea Wifi customer care calls to pay up for next six months every single day. They are hounding me every single day. Bloddy how low can a marwari stoop man to make their ex-customers life hell. Your services were shittiest and now your people are enactiing what you really are. Bloddy hell. I have clearly explained them that I was committed a refund and so stop calling me and initiate the refund. But all my words go in vain. And they are doing this for almost 2 months now. Can you imagine you get same stupid calls for 60 odd days and you try to explain the same crap and then the next day you have to do the same thing.
There is a systemic flaw at Idea and I warn the prospective customer and for that matter existing customers as well to move on. Dont extend your services because for all you know Idea might play these tricks on you as well. Idea Wifi A/c # 012373010117.*