It is only acceptable that if God was an author, he couldnt have handled this subject better. A typical entertainer dished out here by Ravi Subramaniam. It is tough to believe that this is his first book. A racy and irresistible book that traces the career of Sundeep Srivastava and Swaminathan right from the day they join NYB. It traces their climb of the corporate ladder and encapsulates the ever lasting dispute between any ends for success and ethics and values for success.
As with many Indian stories where the Good prevails over the Bad, here too the same ending where it is proved that only values and ethics can take you places. Sundeep is the guy who realizes this whereas Swami is the typical good boy of the company who with his upright and honest ways makes waves whereas Sundeep who can go to any end attain success. The story basically revolves around three men Aditya Rao, Sundeep Srivastava, Swaminathan. Aditya is head of Retail Banking in India and Sundeep and Swami two new recruits who create waves immediately. Their talents get recognised and are given immediate recognition. As time moves, Aditya leaves the company and that guiding force which had arrested the two trainees to the right track dissolved. As new bosses came in their paths differed. Finally after some huge mishaps on part of Sundeep he is pulled up by the global management and he finally quots and joins Aditya.
It is brilliant portrayal by Ravi who has taken care of all nitty gritties of MNC culture and he must have taken a little care in the way the story goes at certain points where in after watching movies for so long it gets too easy to predict but this story also has all the makings of a story which can be adapted well into a movie. Nevertheless it is an arresting book or atleast it had me arrested I finished the book in less than 24hrs not a great thing for a book of 260 pages but then finishing a book in less than 24hrs on anyday speaks volumes of the book itself. On the whole a good read.