I am a sheldon fan and I believe that no other write other than eric seagal can play with words as good as he does.An author must b a magician of words. He can let the audience think that the novel is not a novel, the characters not the characters but that they have a real rife and existence and what we are thinking of as a novel must seem to us to b happening in real life too.
Having read 15 of sheldons books I can safely claim that this is sheldons best book.Tracys character wasnt a very flamboyant one. Sheldon creates her character as that of a girl next door who fals into the deadly trap set by some mafia goons she lands up in jail as a result of a consipiracy and they gets battered by the wild inmates at jail.
Then she learns the important leson in life that is also the back bone.If somebody hurts you crying and whining wont help you. You have to pull up ur socks and repay in the same coin.She gets smarter and smarter as she plans her escape and the downfall of her enemies and yet when the world refuses to acept her she doesnt cry over it. She becomes a con artist and a brilliant one too. And be it the ways she pull down the lifes of her enemies or the way she plays the con gal sheldons execution is flawless what happened with tracy could have happened to anyone of us. All those of u who are victims get a lesson from this lady. And believe me I have tried her attitude and her ways and know what to do when and if I am hurt.
Survival of the Fittest may seem too cliched but that is what the world still believes in. So if u are not fit get some serious thinking after reading the book and for christ sake read the book.......a masterpiece.