I had registered a complaint for the Microwave Oven with the local IFB complaint cell on the 4th of February, 2009. I was told that the service engineer will attend within 48 hours. They also asked me for a convenient time and I requested for anytime after 8.00 PM and to call up before coming, which was agreed.
On the 7th morning one guy in IFB uniform wandered into my residence and asked if I had given a complaint for IFB Washing machine. When I replied, NO, he then pulled out the complaint card and realized that it was a microwave oven.
We could not communicate beyond this as he spoke Tamil only and I do not speak Tamil. I called up the local service manager Kamal and asked for a service engineer who spoke English or Hindi. The new guy turned up and again, the same language issue.
He simply walked up to the unit and switched it on, ran it for a minute three times, without anything inside, a procedure which is expressly forbidden as per the manual provided with the unit. Then he opened up the cover, fiddled, muttered something, of which I could catch only loose connection and, closed the cover.
Rather, attempted to close the cover for around 30 minutes and, then gathered his tools and left. **When I called up Kamal to complain on the service levels demonstrated, he advised me that, being service engineers they know their job and, if any damage happens because of their handling they will rectify it.
*I have gone up the chain and got the numbers of even the VP Disservice (no one picks up the calls) service and repeatedly sent mails but till date there has been no response. I am posting the names and numbers of the people I had spoken to.
Kamal - Manager(Damager?) Service Tamil Nadu
Dipankar Malik RSM East - Gave me the number of Pawan RSM South
A S Negi VP - No one picks up the call, both landline and mobile.
Pawan - Mobile number switched off the whole day.
This clearly shows the kind of attitude this company has towards its customers.
Simply put their attitude reeks of arrogance, and disdain for customers.