I have purchased IFB Elena model last month inspite of reading the reviews which are quite negative partly due to the good "stats" given by the sales person at the shop and partly due to some family memebers telling good about IFB.
May be time will tell if I did right. The point which I want to make is after purchasing the machine the IFB came within a day and installed it but the kind of pricing for the accessories what he was telling was quite high. I refused most of them but one thing which the IFB guy sold to me was a water filter to take care of "scaling" on the drum which costed me Rs. 2000.!!!
Now that was quite a rude shock as I had already exceeded my budget during the purchase and this was never told by anybody nor did any of the family members and friends told that they have one. I would like a fair review on this as to if this was really required? The water at my home is ok with no major scaling observed on any other utensil which I told to the IFB guy also but stilll he insisted on it and said that if I dont put it them it will soon start to corrode. Please let me know about this.
Well about the machine it seems to be working fine (atleat for now) without any of the problems mentioned in the reviews. Lets hope for the best.