Weve had the Elena Dx 5.5 kg for the last two years and it has been a problem free machine. It even braved the ghastly Dwarka(Delhi) water for an entire year without choking up!
We did have one minor problem with it though - after about a year, the rim on top started cracking at various locations. My first response - via the company website - yielded no response at all. The service technician who came for regular service advised us to write again. My second email resulted in a telephonic response and after a few questions, the technician came and - true to the promise of a 100% guarantee - replaced the rim at no charge whatsoever.
Heres a machine that uses half the amount of water and soap that our previous top-loader did; apparently, it also consumes less electricity but theres really no way I can confirm that. It does take a little longer than a top loader for the cycle to complete, but then the difference is really academic. And the rumors that you cant take the clothes out in case of power failure are totally unfounded.
So, a 4 for durability(because of the crack) and a 4 for service(it DID take two attempts.) Otherwise, we are very happy with the machine.