I got new IFB Elena jus few months back, it a must for all home. The wash quality is really too good as compared to my previous top loaders. Also the quantity of detergent required is too less. Jus one teaspoon washes hell lot of clothes and that too perfectly. Hot wash option makes even dirtiest of them quite clean. The controls are easy to understand and realible than most of digital machines. Its really value for money. Its the cheapest and best automatic washing machine. People should come out of their false believes that semi- automatic are good and reliable ones... These front loader requires less detergent , electricity and water. And as front wash performs the same actions as hand wash like tumbling so clothes dont loose life and come out more clean. Just flush the false believe about automatic machines that they are costly and works less requires more in maintenance. As far as IFB Elena is concerned it’s the chepeast among all LG Tromm and Electrolux and other competetiors. Beware while looking IFB Deva hot in place of Elena , although its 1.5 K cheaper but mind it that it always hot wash , so you wud be hot to see ur electricity bills after all hot washes … J